The Final Fantasy card game show down! Triple Triad vs Tetra Master!

The Final Fantasy series is not a stranger to odd and sometimes bizarre mini-games. In nearly every game in the entire series, there is usually some kind of small distraction that the player can find to help break up the main gameplay in their journey. The biggest example of this is probably FFVII, which had … Continue reading The Final Fantasy card game show down! Triple Triad vs Tetra Master!

The Final Fantasy Formula: Gilgamesh – Multi-armed and hilarious.

A running theme through the series (and these articles) is that simply reusing a character’s name doesn’t really mean that character in question has to be similar to those that came before them. While a name may indeed have power, the series has proven that there’s a ton of different ways to use a template … Continue reading The Final Fantasy Formula: Gilgamesh – Multi-armed and hilarious.

The Final Fantasy Formula: The airship, your flying castle.

While every world in the Final Fantasy series is different and quite diverse to each other, there is one common thread between them all. Namely, they all tend to be pretty damn big. This makes sense, since each game takes place in a different world (again, as long as you don’t ascribe to the theory … Continue reading The Final Fantasy Formula: The airship, your flying castle.

The Importance of Party Size: mechanics and versatility vs. focus and intimacy in an RPG.

Now it’s a party! In perhaps a blatant show of my gaming preferences and fan boy loyalty, I completed FFXV mere days after posting that Type – 0 review, and playing both games so close together got me thinking about an aspect of RPGs I had never considered: the actual size of an RPG’s party … Continue reading The Importance of Party Size: mechanics and versatility vs. focus and intimacy in an RPG.